Black Men Having Sex with White Women
The Feedback Has Been Interesting — I Don’t Like It
Let me start with some background on myself before we get into this. Today, I am a 41-year-old Black American woman. I was raised in a home with my Black American mom, my siblings, and my White American stepdad from the time I was 2 years old. My uncle is Cuban-Chinese, and I spent years growing up with those cousins. I also grew up around Black women — some dated outside their race, while others refused. Growing up in this kind of racial dynamic and a multiracial, multicultural family allowed me to see that people are people. In fact, I didn’t even know racism existed or that skin color mattered until I became a young adult and started self-educating. Yikes!
Date All the Men
With my diverse and sometimes confusing upbringing, I have decided to live by my motto, “Date all the men.” Just as I had no preference for the race of people I became friends with, I also never had a preference for skin color or race when it came to romantic interests. I’ve seen men of all races be rude and disrespectful, and I’ve seen men of all races be kind and respectful. I understood that a person’s character and values are what matter.
As a kid, my geographic location, which was out of my control, determined who I dated. My predominantly Black high school and the area where I lived made Black American boys more accessible to me. That didn’t mean I had more of an attraction to Black American boys…