Fuck Your Bible

The Audacity, The Gull, The Gumption

Mocha Moma
5 min readJul 8, 2022

We are days after Roe v. Wade being overturned and all the people with fake morals and light switch religious beliefs have shown their asses as they found the courage to creep out of the woodworks, the ceiling fans, and the couch cushions with their chests poked out and all of the answers to everybody’s life while their life is in shambles, piss poor credit, filthy dwellings, barely keeping their lights on, multiple sex partners, drowning in debt, neglecting kids, low self-esteem, and disgusting attitudes to say the least.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Now I’m sure your Bible has told you a few things about how to handle your money, being monogamous, and engaging with your kids, yet, you refuse to listen and follow your Bible then sit up here talking bad about people who exercise their right to get abortions? The audacity!

Many people have brought up the bible in their argument for Roe v Wade in agreement to ban abortions, yet, almost all of them have a bunch of kids out of wedlock and or fornicated prior to getting married. I’m sure your bible tells you about how bad fornication is but you would rather discuss another person's body on abortion instead of your own body and your lack of sexual discipline? The gull!

People who beat women, molest children, steal, rob, cheat, lie, rape, over-eat, and are verbally…



Mocha Moma

Award-winning poet. Author of Soul Not For Sale-The Poetic Publication. The Love Poet speaking out against Unhealthy Culture and its generational damage.