They Threatened To Release My Masturbation Video

My First Extortion Email

Mocha Moma
4 min readMay 13, 2022

Here I am, once again, minding my black ass business and being a productive law-abiding paying-it-forward member of society and SOMEBODY is trying to make a living out of extorting me out of some money.

Please pick somebody else. All I wanted to do was clean up my spam mail like a good responsible adult. Although this email was sent to me on April 27th and didn’t see it until May 8th….so much for “pay the debt within two days”.


Regrettably, I have bad news for you.

Few months back, I managed to get access to your device that you use for internet browsing.

After that, I was observing the whole internet activity of yours.

Here is the proof I hacked this email. Your password at the time when I got access to your email: carpentry1

As a systematic adult websites visitor, you are the only one who is responsible for all the consequences of that.

Simply speaking, all the websites visited by you, have helped me to gain access to data of yours.

Trojan horse has been uploaded by me to your driver system, and it continuously updates its signatures numerous times throughout the day,



Mocha Moma

Award-winning poet. Author of Soul Not For Sale-The Poetic Publication. The Love Poet speaking out against Unhealthy Culture and its generational damage.