What Is The Issue With Telling A Man His Penis Is Perfect?
These Men Are Never Satisfied With Anything Women Do Or Say
Everybody seems to be living their lives off of memes, tweets, and Tic Toks these days, and lately, I’ve come across memes, tweets, and Tic Tok videos that read “if your chick says your penis is perfect it’s not big”….and it appears to be crushing these men's feelings.
So why are men so insecure when they are told their penis is perfect? What more do they want a woman to say? That’s literally the highest compliment they can receive about their penis.
If we say it’s too big we’re lying, if we say it’s too small our vagina is loose, if we say it’s perfect that means it’s not big. We can't win out here against men and their insecurities so don’t even bother giving them a rebuttal.
My theory is this, men (and women) are so used to getting their sex advice from porn, sexual abuse, rape culture, and using violent words to describe sexual activities with women, such as, “beat that pussy up” or “I’m gonna kill that pussy tonight” (and other disgusting phrases that keep me dry as the Sahara desert) that men are…